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National Library of the Czech Republic

Protecting and making cultural heritage accessible to present and future generations


Season's Greeting

Season's Greeting

The National Library wishes to you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
The Baroque Library by Tom Mairs

The Baroque Library by Tom Mairs

Illustrator Tom Mairs included a picture of the Klementinum baroque library in his book called Prague Sketchbook.

Cultural events

Supercharged by AI

Supercharged by AI

The exhibition Supercharged by AI explores the real-world implications of AI technologies for individuals, communities, and…

Recommended for you

Ask the Library

Ask the Library

The Ask the Library service answers specific questions in a concise manner. The answer is usually accompanied by a short list of…
On-Site Registration

On-Site Registration

The service is intended for all interested in using the NLCR's complete portfolio of services.