Original sheet music, from which the music was performed during the mass celebrated on the occassion of the canonization of St. John of Nepomuk at St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague, in autumn 1729.
Antonio Caldara: Missa Sanctificationis Sancti Joannis Nepomuceni
NL Prague 59 R 4725
Original sheet music, from which the music was performed during the mass celebrated on the occassion of the canonization of St. John of Nepomuk at St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague, in autumn 1729. The imperial court vice-Kapellmeister Antonio Caldara (1670–1736) probably wrote his Missa di San Giovanni Nepomuceno specifically for Prague. Its performance during the celebrations of Nepomuk´s canonization was conducted by the Kapellmeister Johann Christoph Gayer (around 1668–1734). After his death, the sheet music together with his entire collection became the property of the order of the Knights of the Cross with the Red Star, Prague. Based on this source, Prague organist Ladislav Vachulka (1910–1986) created modern performance materials in the 1960s, from which the mass was recorded by the Prague Symphony Orchestra (FOK) conducted by Václav Smetáček, and later, it was performed at Prague organ lofts. The original sheet music, long thought to be lost, is incomplete – the cover with the title page, the solo soprano and alto parts, and the organ part are missing. The identification was made on the basis of detailed musicological research. The exhibited parts show the specifics of the performance practice of the St. Vitus Choir in the 1720s, which include orchestration with solo oboes and the division of the choir into several choirs.
Wypsanj té w Hlawnjm Kostele Na Hradu Pražském, Strany Slawného 19. Dne Měsýce Března, Léta 1729. w Ržjmě wykonaného Swato-Ržečenj Swatého Jana Nepomuckého, Dne 9. Měsýce Ržjgna, a přes celý Octav w Králowském Hlawnjm Kostele Swatého Wjta na Hradu Pražském držané welké Slawnosti, A Wyswetlenj toho nákladného, Před tim Hlawnjm Kostelem Wystaweného Wytězo-Slawného Lessenj, Též wnitř připrawených Ozdob, a cokoliw přes ten celý Octav konáno, a w Městech Pražských widěti bylo. [The Account of the Great Celebration on the Occasion of the Canonization of St. John of Nepomuk in Rome on the Glorious 19th Day of March in the Year 1729, Held in the Main Church at Prague Castle on the 9th Day of October and throughout the Whole Octave of October in the Royal Main Church of St. Vitus at Prague Castle, and a Description of the Costly Glorious Scaffolding Erected in Front of that Main Church, and Also of the Decorations Prepared Inside, and of Whatever Was Done throughout that Whole Octave, and Could Be Seen in the Towns of Prague.]
NL Praha 54 F 10/adl.1., fol. B4v-C1r
An occasional print published on the occasion of celebrations of the canonization of St. John of Nepomuk. In the description of the solemn mass celebrated “to the sound of field trumpets and Italian drums,” only “excellent music” is mentioned without providing the author´s name, but it is undoubtedly Missa di San Giovanni Nepomuceno by Antonio Caldara. The composition was performed on the first day of the Octave feast, on the 9th October, 1729.