Conducting research and providing lists of document records on a specific topic from the resources of the NLCR

The research services can provide an inventory of literature on a given topic from Czech and foreign sources at the request of a user. Research services are *paid* services. All available *information sources* of the NLCR (including licensed databases and digital libraries) are used to conduct the research. Online searches from free sources on the Internet are not carried out. Any interested person can place an order for research - they do not have to be a registered user of the NLCR.

The processing time ranges from 14 days to one month from the start of the search (depending on the scope of the assignment). The user receives information about the options and the estimated time for processing the search after submitting the request. Research requests can be ordered via the *online form* (see below). Research is charged according to the *NLCR Price List of Paid Services and Fees* (CZK 100 per half hour of research). When ordering, it is advisable to specify a price limit on the form.

Who provides research services:

  1. The *Reference Centre* - the Reference Centre provides research from all sources available in the NLCR. In addition to carrying out research requests, it offers free consultations of suitable sources and search procedures for finding suitable literature on the given topic within the *consultation services* provided at the Reference Centre of the NLCR or online (
  2. *Library of Librarianship Literature* - the Library of Librarianship Literature provides research from catalogues, documentary card catalogues and databases available in the *Library of Librarianship Literature*. Research services are provided to librarians and institutions in the library field.
  3. *Slavonic Library* - the Slavonic Library provides research from the collections and resources available in the Slavonic Library.
  4. *Department of Music* - by prior agreement, the Department can provide research from its collection.