A database of e-documents (online publications) that are prepared for publication / published with ISBN / with ISMN. A database of e-documents for which a CIP record has been processed before publication.

The ISN-e database contains the basic bibliographic data of e-books/e-musical work (online publications), both unpublished and published, reported by Czech publishers registered in the ISBN/ISMN system, as well as e-books/e-musical work by unregistered publishers who have applied for a one-time allocation of ISBN/ISMN. Unlike the ISN database of announced books and musical works, books are only added to the ISN-e database due to the current state of legislation; they are not transferred to another database after publication.

If a user does not find the online publication they are looking for in the database, it means:

  • The e-book does not have an ISBN / the e-musical work does not have an ISMN, so it could not be added to the database.
  • The publisher has not announced the allocation of ISBN / ISMN. Please direct any questions directly to the publisher. (For a directory of publishers in the Czech Republic, see the *NAK* database.)