Database of documents ready to go to print with ISBN / ISMN. Database of documents for which a CIP (Cataloguing in Publication) record has been processed before publication.
The ISN database contains the basic bibliographic data of books and music titles reported by Czech publishers registered in the ISBN or ISMN system, as well as books and music titles of non-registered publishers who have applied for a one-time allocation of ISBN / ISMN. It collects information about unpublished books/musical works with assigned ISBN/ISMN. After the legal deposit copy is delivered, the record is moved to the NKC database and disappears from the ISN. If the publisher has not yet delivered the legal deposit copies (LDC) to the NLCR or the delivered LDC is still waiting for processing, the database can be used to find books and musical work already published.
If the unpublished publication is not in the database, it means:
- The book does not have an ISBN/the musical work does not have an ISMN; it did not enter the database.
- The publisher did not report the allocation of ISBN / ISMN or request the processing of the CIP record. Please direct any questions directly to the publisher. (For a directory of publishers in the Czech Republic, see the *NAK* database.)
- The book has already been published. (If you want to check its availability in libraries, search in your favourite database, or try *NKC*, *UCC*, or ** portal.)
- This is an announced/published online publication with an assigned ISBN / ISMN. (For announced e-books/e-musical work see the *ISN-e* database.)