A reading room lending Czech and foreign periodicals from the last 5 years since their publication, which are intended for on-site study only. Provides access to selected electronic information resources (e.g. Czech and foreign magazines and journals, digital libraries).
In the Periodicals Reading Room, users can choose from a selection of Czech and foreign journal titles published during the last five years. Approximately 5,200 titles published in the Czech Republic, including approximately 100 newspaper titles, are available as part of the legal deposit copies, as well as over 200 foreign periodical titles. All titles are provided on demand. Titles older than five years from publication are available to readers in the reading room only on microfilm on request. Older titles that are not on microfilm or not digitised are available to users in the General Reading Room upon request. All items borrowed in the periodicals reading room are intended for on-site study only. Ordered documents, including microfilms, are reserved for 14 days with the possibility of extension.
The Reading Room provides the following services and titles:
- *Czech magazines and newspapers* for the last 5 years since publication
- *Czech magazines and newspapers obtained by legal deposit* on the basis of Act No. Act No. 46/2000 Sb. (for the last 5 years since publication)
- *foreign journals*
- printed editions of the Financial Times
- online access to *Czech* and *foreign* newspapers
- 36 study places
- *microfilm* readers
- scanner reader for *microfilms* with print capability