A space for studying the historical collection of the NLCR and conducting research activities in the history of book culture.
The reading room is open to all registered users of the NLCR or persons with a one-day pass (studying only reference literature). Registered users can browse the historical collection of the NLCR and the documents in the reference library, which contains primary reference literature in book culture and selected periodical titles. The reading room offers subject consultations and professional information services, administers loans, and provides reprographic services. Ten study spaces are available for users, as well as a microfilm and microfiche reader, computers with Internet access, and access to licensed databases. All documents are available for on-site viewing only; orders are booked for three days. Due to the specific conditions, selected services in the Reading Room of the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department are provided in a modified mode. The user is obliged to follow the *Visiting Regulations of the NLCR Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books*.
Services provided (*the specifics of each service are listed below and are applicable only for the services of the Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books; other rules can be found under the links to individual services):
- on-site borrowing of documents from the Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books (DMEPB) collections Readers can request to borrow documents on-site at the DMEPB reading room via a special order form or online via General Catalogue I or the electronic catalogue (NKC, STT). Documents stored in the reference library are dispatched to on-site users on demand. Orders from historical collections are dispatched according to the dispatcher's capabilities. For capacity reasons, the maximum number of orders allowed is five. The user is informed by a confirmation e-mail that the ordered documents are ready for loan.
- reprographic services from DMEPB collections
Users can make digital copies of DMEPB collections with their own equipment. To obtain permission to use reproductions from the historical collections, you must contact the authorised staff member. It is necessary to fill in the Declaration with the specification of the purpose, pay the fee for making reproductions according to the valid [/sluzby/cenik] NLCR Pricelist. Moreover, a proof copy of the publication containing the reproduction must be submitted, and will be included in the department's reference library.
The reading room also provides [/sluzby/reprograficke-sluzby-kopie-na-objednavku] reprographic services on demand.
- consulting and information services related to the history of book culture in areas related to the department's collection