An information portal dedicated to retrospective conversion.
Retrospective conversion of Czech library catalogues began on a larger scale in the mid-1990s, which is about thirty years later than in libraries in the USA and twenty years later than in libraries in Western European countries. The maximum use of modern technologies and good organisation of work, including cooperation at the national level, have brought Czech libraries to one of the leading positions in the international context in the field of retrospective catalogue conversion.
To manage and coordinate retrospective document conversion, the NPRK system - the National Retrospective Conversion Programme - was created.
National Retrospective Conversion Programme
The NPRK information system collects and publishes information on the catalogues of Czech libraries where retrospective conversion is planned or already underway in a single user interface. It is primarily intended for filling in, sending and publishing questionnaires about individual catalogues. Complete completion of the questionnaire is a prerequisite for receiving funding from the VISK 5 programme.