Web application of scanned catalogues of the NLCR and other Czech libraries and institutions.            

The RetrIS web application brings together in one place the scanned catalogues of the NLCR and other Czech libraries and institutions, which have been converted into image form within the VISK 5 - Retrokon project.

The National Programme of Retrospective Conversion of Library Catalogues in the Czech Republic makes the catalogues, and thus the collections, of the largest Czech libraries accessible via the Internet for both local and remote users. The web application groups the scanned catalogues by individual institutions, which are sorted alphabetically. They can be viewed without the need to log in, but only sequentially (i.e. record by record); the system does not allow full-text search.

Scanned cataloguing cards are sorted into cabinets and drawers and arranged according to the Czech alphabet. Libraries and institutions participating in the RetrIS ordering system allow direct ordering of documents from their scanned catalogues. If this service is available, an orange *order* button will appear at the top of the toolbar when browsing the catalogue. The RetrIS application was developed by SOFO Group a.s. in 2015-2016, and it merged three formerly separate systems of the NLCR into a single one: KATIF. It contains scanned catalogues of the NLCR, NRIS - National Retro-conversion Information System, and RIS - internal system for managing scanned catalogues of the NLCR.

NLCR Catalogues available in RetrIS

  • General Catalogue I - the catalogue covers all literature from the library collection of the NLCR published from 1501 to 1950 inclusive, with the exception of manuscripts, first editions, small printed items, prints, and historical maps. Special printed catalogues and inventories of these documents are available in the Manuscripts and Old Prints Department. Number of scanned cards: 1,871,306.
  • General Catalogue II - The catalogue contains monographic publications published from 1951 to 1994 (and part of 1995), both Czech and foreign productions in the Universal Library Collection. At the same time, it may contain incomplete records of multi-volume monographs, the full record of which can be found in GC III. Number of scanned cards: 1,515,278t
  • General Catalogue III - service catalogue for volume and periodical documents in the Universal Library Collection published until 1995. It includes data on individual volumes or periodical issues of the given title from the GC I and GC II catalogues if the NL supplemented them after 1951. Number of scanned cards: 144,303.
  • The Slavonic Library - GC - contains records of nearly all documents (books and periodicals) acquired from 1924 to the end of 1996. Number of scanned cards: 647,061.
  • Russian Foreign Historical Archive - catalogue of books – a catalogue built from 1923 until 1945, when the archive was closed, and its library became part of the Slavonic Library. The collection of this unique library focuses on topics related to the history of Russian social and revolutionary movements, World War I, the Russian Revolution and Civil War, the activities of Russian political parties and associations, the development of the USSR in the first decades of its existence, and the life of Russian emigration abroad. Number of scanned cards: 38,629.
  • Bibliography of the 19th Century - the National Retrospective Bibliography of the 19th Century catalogues Czech language printed materials without territorial limitations from 1801 to 1900 from Prague and non-Prague libraries with an indication of their location. It also registers small printed items (almanacs, calendars, annual reports, concert and theatre programmes) but does not include newspapers and magazines from this period. Number of scanned pages of cards: 97,161.
  • Catalogue of Sheet Music - a scanned catalogue for searching historical and modern sheet music stored in the Music Department collection was completed in February 1998. All records have been transferred to the electronic catalogue (NLCR Database). Number of scanned cards: 93,859.
  • Incipit Catalogue - the incipit catalogue permits searching for the musical incipits of compositions catalogued in the Complete Music Catalogue using a code and to identify the occurrence of preserved versions of the same composition in various collections preserved in the Czech Republic. The catalogue contains approximately 361,630 records.
  • Catalogue of Librarianship Literature (CLL) - the General Catalogue of the Library of Librarianship Literature contains professional librarianship literature from about 1890 to 1989; post-1989, the records are in the CLL database in the Aleph system. Number of scanned pages (cards) 11,910.
  • Documentation Card Catalogue of Librarianship Literature - the Documentation Card Catalogue contains records of journal articles, proceedings, and methodological materials in the field of librarianship, library science, bibliography, and information science from 1970 to 1989. Number of scanned cards: 59,572.
  • GC NAC Periodicals - The General Catalogue of NAC Periodicals contains periodicals that belong to the National Archival Collections. The catalogue contains periodicals up to the 1990s; after this time, the records and units have been processed in the electronic catalogue Aleph in the NKC database. Number of scanned cards: 27,911.
  • Complete catalogue of incunabula