National retrospective bibliography containing bibliographic records of old Czech-language printed materials, including descriptions of Czech and Latin first editions.
It contains records of old Czech-language printed materials published between 1501 and 1800 in the territory of the present-day Czech Republic or abroad and also includes descriptions of Czech and Latin first editions printed in Bohemia (but not in Moravia or Silesia) between 1476 and 1500.
The database is based on bibliographic data transcribed from printed publications:
- Knihopis českých a slovenských tisků od doby nejstarší až do konce XVIII. století. Díl II (A book of Czech and Slovak printed works from the earliest times to the end of the 18th century. Volume II) edited by Zdeněk Václav Tobolka, František Horák, and Bedřiška Wižďálková (Prague, 1939-1967) and
- Soupis prvotisků českého původu (Inventory of Early Printed Works of Czech Origin) by Emma Urbánková (Prague, 1986).
The original creator of the electronic form of the Knihopis (“Knihopis-Digital”) was the Cabinet for Classical Studies of the CAS; since March 2015, the database has been operated by the NLCR. The current database administrators work closely with the Library Science Department of the Library of the CAS - the guarantor of the Bibliography of Foreign-Language Printed Bohemica up to 1800 (BCBT), which represents the second branch of the national retrospective bibliography.
The database is part of the projects and electronic portals Knihově and E-ilustrace. The bibliographic data are continuously updated; digital copies of registered specimens, links to catalogues of specific libraries, and iconographic characteristics of illustrations created in the first half of the 16th century are also added.