The Czech Digital Library, the national aggregator of digital libraries, provides access to digitised documents.             

The Czech Digital Library (CDL) is the central access point for the content of digital libraries in the Czech Republic. It offers continuously harvested metadata from source digital libraries hosted in the Kramerius system. The digital documents remain stored in the source libraries, from which they are displayed in a single web interface, so that the user can access hundreds of thousands of digitised documents from all participating libraries from a single location. Access to documents is governed by copyright law and other licensing arrangements between libraries and rights holders. The CDL is developed and managed by the NLCR, the Moravian Library, and the Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The NLCR provides content management of the CDL, including contractual relations with the participating libraries. The Moravian Library is responsible for the technical operation of the system and the necessary infrastructure; the Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic acts as the primary coordinator of Kramerius system development.