Surveys the condition of historical collections; carries out analysis, repair, conservation, and restoration of damaged objects.

Primary activities include the conservation and restoration of historical library collections, including illuminated manuscripts, and complex restoration interventions. An integral part of the protection is the regular inspection of the objects associated with certain types of analysis (measuring the pH of paper mountings, detecting microbiological activity, etc.). The extent of mechanical damage is examined during the surveys, based on which the subsequent course of action is determined. A quick and efficient solution is to store objects in custom-made containers made from archival-quality materials. The department produces special boxes adapted to the specific needs of items (such as oversized volumes, atypically deformed books, or flat works with seals). A critical aspect of the restorers’ work is detailed written and visual documentation of the physical condition of historical collections. The photo documentation is archived in physical form in the RD, together with the reports on the intervention carried out. The documentation is entered into the Restoration Information System (ResIS). The department also assists in preparing objects for exhibitions, including ensuring suitable transport to the venue and installation in spaces with appropriate climatic and lighting conditions. If the exhibition organiser requests, stands are made to suit the item’s needs. The RD offers internships for those interested in the field from related domestic and foreign institutions and provides professional consultations for the public and other libraries.