Provides subject cataloguing of domestic and foreign book production, including continuing resources, creation and management of national subject authorities, and related coordination and methodological. activities


In accordance with valid international and national standards, it provides subject cataloguing of current domestic and foreign book production and some types of continuing resources added to the collections of the NLCR during ongoing cataloguing through the CIP project (Cataloguing in Publications) and retrospective cataloguing of the living collection. As a joint administrator of the database of books and serials, it is responsible for the accuracy and uniformity of the data in the electronic catalogue of the NLCR and the Czech National Bibliography. Participates in the (Book Covers) project by supplementing bibliographic records with scanned contents and book covers. Produces sets of subject authorities and name authorities used in subject cataloguing and is a coordinating, methodological, and consultative workplace for subject cataloguing, the Universal Decimal Classification System (UDC), and the Conspectus categorisation scheme. It is involved in research and development in the above areas. Acts as the national agency for the translation, updating, and access to the Universal Decimal Classification System (UDC-MRF) and manages the Czech UDC Online international database.